Call us today! (855) 695-2901


Diverse freight we deliver local & nationwide:

Extensive Experience

If it can go on a flatbed, we can haul it

We bring extensive experience in all areas related to time-critical, local, and over-the-road shipments, including:
  • Routing shipments
  • Freight negotiations
  • Safe transport on well-maintained vehicles
  • Logistics and on-time delivery
Proactive and Problem-Free

We go the extra mile

We know that trucking can be stressful for everyone involved and that problems can arise on any job. That’s why we take the proactive steps that ensure smooth and problem-free deliveryWe make communication with our clients a top priority. You will know what is going on with your shipment throughout the process, and you will be notified immediately of any potential threats before they become issues.

We go the extra mile to ensure great service to all of our clients; our name is only as good as the service we provide. Our experienced drivers confirm orders before they are loaded, and we take all appropriate measures to protect your materials.

Each of our trucks and flatbeds are fully equipped with these materials:

  1. 6- and 8- Foot Lumber Tarps
  2. Nursery Tarps
  3. Steel Tarps
  4. Machinery Tarps
  5. Chains
  6. Ratchets
  7. Coil Racks
  8. 2″ and 4″ Straps
  9. Bungies
  10. Edge Protectors
  11. Rubbers
  12. J-Hooks
  13. Dunnage

S.T.I. Trans, Inc. is honored to be a 2021 and 2022 recipient of the Acuity Insurance Safety Award

This award is given to businesses that are exemplary in their partnership with Acuity Insurance to help ensure a safe workplace. We take safety seriously and are proud to be an award recipient.

S.T.I. Trans, Inc. provides third-party logistics (3PL) services to help meet the transportation and trucking needs of valued clients throughout the 48 contiguous states. 

Truck Maintenance Services

Our truck maintenance services include preventative maintenance, follow up repairs, and a full-service facility for major truck repairs.

Truck Parking & Storage

We provide one-year contracted parking spots located in Elgin, Illinois with fast access to Jane Adam’s Memorial Tollway (Interstate-90).